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时间:2022-12-06 12:47 阅读数:2682人阅读

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∩▂∩ China's top lantern shows[10]Chinadaily.com.cnThis year the Chinese festival coincides with Valentine's Day,making it an extra special day for dating.Happy Lantern Festival汤圆VS 元宵Tangyuan VS Yuanxiao 在中国,元宵、汤团在制作工艺上是两回事,可以说是北方、南方之不同渊源所致,但皆是正月十五元宵节的食品。Caused by the culture differences in the 。

Lantern Festival losing its luster|Art|chinadaily.com.cnLantern Festival,a tradition dating back to the Eastern Han Dynasty,marks the end of the two-week Lunar New Year celebration.Praise the Red LanternLantern Festival celebrated in Bangladesh with Chinese culture competition-Xinhua|English.news.cnA Chinese culture competition was conducted in Bangladesh's leading North South University on Monday to celebrate the Chinese Lantern Festival,which falls on the 15th day of the 。

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Lantern Festival food:'Tangyuan' or 'yuanxiao'-Chinadaily.com.cnMarch 2 marks this year's Lantern Festival according to the Chinese lunar calendar.Hundreds in Benin enjoy Chinese Lantern Festival celebration-Xinhua|English.news.cnA series of events mark the festival in the presence of the Chinese community,and all walks of life of the Benin people,including students in the Adjadji artistic and cultural 。

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